
This page shows the projects I worked on and the technologies utilized within the project. If you are looking for a specific technology, checkout the tags page.


Worth A Thousand Words

5 months
E-Commerce | Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer | Berlin
Being a communication bridge between german customer and international developers while building software

Database Hydra

3 months
Information Technology | DevOps Engineer | Remote
Creating a cloud-agnostic database backup solution


Let's Talk About Cars

15 months
Social Network, Automotive | Fullstack Developer, Consultant | Berlin
Developing and maintaining a highly frequented community platform


I Don't Belong Here

3 months
Government Agency | Backend Developer | Düsseldorf
Testing and integrating a software solution into a legacy environment

Alexa, Buy Insurance!

8 months
Insurance | Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer | Berlin
Developing multiple Alexa Skills