One API To Bind Them

· 141 words · 1 minute read
Photo by Jiroe on Unsplash
Developing multiple microservices

Building (good) APIs is always challenging. Especially when your software is supposed to run in a car. The customer wanted to build an API portal, to offer developers an unified API portal for each of their cars. Each car offered an API for a specific part of the hardware. As a developer, you could check on the API portal, which APIs would be offered by which car, see the specifications and execute test requests to see which data would return. Our team developed the portal, from front- to backend.

Challenges 🔗

  • Groovy
  • Mixed team of remote and on site developers

Vue.js was the new kid on the block, and we had to learn on the go. Also, I hopefully will never have to touch a groovy project again.

My Contribution 🔗

  • Design and implement software solutions
  • Present solutions to the customer