Let's Talk About Cars

· 174 words · 1 minute read
Photo by Alex Suprun on Unsplash
Developing and maintaining a highly frequented community platform

A good old Java project. We worked on a large community platform about everything about cars. The code was mainly well tested, but the testing pyramid was reversed. They had lots of integration tests but almost no unit tests, which resulted in the test suite being excruciatingly slow. The team was great though, and I stayed quite a while in this project.

Challenges 🔗

  • Integrate new technology into legacy code
  • Carefully replace obsolete and no longer maintained libraries with more recent ones
  • Migrate to new technology

Never have I ever had more recent feedback for an introduced feature (or bug…). Theoretically, we were able to deploy new code within minutes, if it weren’t for the test suite. It took roughly 30 minutes to finish. A new community post about a feature (or bug…) would occur within minutes of the deployment, and we could read what the community thought of us as developers. Let’s just say not only nice things were written…

My Contributions 🔗

  • Develop new features
  • Maintain platform
  • Substitute obsolete libraries
  • Fix bugs