Fleet Management

· 196 words · 1 minute read
Photo by Pascal Meier on Unsplash
Developing a cloud architecture PoC for an IoT solution

The client offered fleet management software for IoT devices installed in vehicles. One of the customers of the client was a large german car manufacturer. At the start of the project, there were roughly 100.000 IoT devices connected to their platform. The devices would send information about the driver, the vehicle, the current location and other relevant data to the client’s platform. The platform would then analyze and visualize the data and make it available for the customer. Their current on premise infrastructure had reached its limit and could not scale anymore. Hence, they wanted to shift to the cloud and in addition replace parts of their infrastructure with managed services.

Our goal was to develop a proof of concept for a new AWS cloud based infrastructure solution within a couple of weeks. An AWS solution architect supported us for architectural decisions while we fleshed out the components with code. At the end of the project our infrastructure could handle well over 500.000 simulated devices with a clear path how to scale even further.

Challenges 🔗

  • Understand legacy architecture, data model and infrastructure
  • Load Testing

My Contribution 🔗

  • Write serverless functions to support the overall architecture